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Per Treatment





Our Aqualyx Treatment

Aqualyx is a non-surgical fat dissolving injection treatment. The procedure uses a solution of deoxycholic acid to safely and effectively eliminate small, stubborn pockets of fat which resist diet and exercise.


The Aqualyx is injected into the fatty tissue which surrounds the fat cells and destroys them by causing inflammation, the remains of the fat cells are then excreted by the body safely as waste.


The Aqualyx treatment can be used to reduce any fatty part of the face such as double chins and fat around the jaw. During each session, the topical numbing cream is applied to targeted areas and patients receive multiple fat dissolving injections (Aqualyx) in problem areas around the chin and neck and maximum dose is used. This takes 15 minutes.


The number of injections & sessions depending on the severity of the problem. It generally requires at least two or three sessions 6-8 week apart. Swelling can be occur for 2-6 weeks. The result can be seen in 6-8 weeks and it is permanent. It is an effective, non-surgical injectable treatment that specifically targets fat removal in the neck.


Call or email us today to book your free consultation. 

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